The CEC has released its comprehensive Agrisolar in Australia 2021 report.
As the solar sector grows, there is increasing interest in exploring and promoting new models for complementary solar energy and agricultural production.
With Edify recently completing a successful trial on Gannawarra’s Solar farm and Energy Storage System, the reports’ dive into ‘solar grazing’ was of particular interest. Citing similar findings to Gannawarra sheep trial, the report details:
- Improvement in sheep’s health, with the panels providing protection from the elements (sun, wind, rain, etc.), and supporting improved vegetation growth, increasing feed for the animals.
- Increased security provided by the solar farm perimeter fence. This secure perimeter prevents death and injury caused by wild dog attacks to the livestock.
- Considerable cost reduction, as the requirement to mow, has been either eradicated or significantly reduced.
For the full CEC report, head here.
And head to our Gannawarra Project page for more information on the sheep trail.