The Koorangie Energy Storage System (KESS) is located in North West Victoria, near the town of Kerang.
Currently in the development phase, the new lithium-ion battery will be connected to AusNet’s 220kV transmission network and provide system strength to the Murray River Renewable Energy Zone (REZ).
Edify has been awarded a System Support Agreement with the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) to provide 125 megawatts (MW) of services to strengthen the power system and increase the potential for generation in the Murray River region. The objective for KESS is to increase the renewable hosting capacity of the Murray River REZ by up to 300MW, through the provision of system strength to improve network stability.
Edify has partnered with Sosteneo, a specialist infrastructure investor, to deliver the $400m Koorangie Energy Storage System.
The battery is supported by a 15-year term offtake agreement with Shell Energy for the full 185MW / 370MWh;
KESS is on the traditional land of the Barapa Barapa, Wamba Wamba and Yorta Yorta people, near the town of Kerang. Edify acknowledges the traditional custodians of this land, whose rich culture is deeply connected to the rivers, lagoons, creeks, and wetlands of their nation.
KESS will commence operations in 2025 with a contracted service term with AEMO of 20 years.
Read the Press Release detailing the System Strength Agreement with AEMO here.
Read the Press Release detailing Financial Close here
The Koorangie Energy Storage System has reached an important construction milestone, taking delivery all 100 Tesla Megapacks. Construction of the 185MW / 370MWh KESS facility is on schedule and charging towards energisation and commercial operations in 2025.
Employment and Supply Opportunities
Consolidated Power Projects Australia Pty Ltd (CPP) has been selected as the subcontractor to design and construct the Koorangie Energy Storage System (KESS).
CPP accepts Expressions of Interest (EOI) for a number of services required to assist with the delivery of the Koorangie Energy Storage project.
We encourage participation from Indigenous suppliers and subcontractors.
For supply opportunities, please fill out the EOI form here
For employment opportunities, please send an email to [email protected]
To learn more about Employment and Supply opportunities, download our information page.
Community Information Evening
Edify held an information evening about the new Koorangie Energy Storage System, where we shared information on the project, introduced our partners, and included contact details for supply and job opportunities.
When: Wednesday, 6 December, from 6pm
Where: Kerang Sports & Entertainment Venue
25 Victoria St, Kerang
More information about the evening can be found here
Community, feedback and contacts
For all feedback relating to the construction of Koorangie Energy Storage System, please send an email to [email protected]
For general community enquiries, please email [email protected]
Job Vacancies on Site
Key Stakeholders