The Koorangie Energy Storage System (KESS) has reached an important construction milestone, taking delivery all 100 Tesla Megapacks.
The Tesla Megapacks have arrived and been successfully craned into place at the KESS site. This significant construction milestone was celebrated with the Honourable Lily D’Ambrosio MP, Victorian Minister for Climate Action, Minister for Energy and Resources and Minister for Energy and Resources and Minister for the State Electricity Commission. Edify was delighted to host Minister D’Ambrosio on site, to update her on the progress of construction of KESS and its substation and to inspect the cutting edge technology of the Tesla Megapacks. Construction of the 185MW / 370MWh KESS facility is on schedule and charging towards energisation and commercial operations in 2025.
KESS will be able to power 350,000 homes for 2 hours. With its grid forming capabilities, it will liberate significant renewable energy capacity in the region supporting Victoria’s and Australia’s renewable energy transition. KESS has entered into a 15-year offtake agreement with Shell Energy and in parallel provides critical system strength services through a 20 year System Support Agreement with AEMO.
To finance and deliver the $400m Koorangie Energy Storage System, one of the largest and most advanced energy storage systems on the network, Edify has partnered with Sosteneo, a specialist infrastructure investor. The construction site, ramping up to peak employment, is employing local trades and technicians, and engaging First Nations businesses to ensure the local Kerang community prospers from this important piece of the energy infrastructure.
Quote from John Cole:
“With the Megapacks craned into place at Koorangie, we are on track bring into operation our 12th new energy infrastructure project. This is at the core of Edify – we develop and deliver. We take pride in our track record of successfully structuring, designing and building pioneering clean energy projects. We believe in innovation, challenging the norm and long-term relationships. This is our third project in the Gannawarra Shire. We welcome and embrace the local support the project receives”
Quote from Minister D’Ambrosio:
“Koorangie is a cutting-edge facility that will help Victoria hit our energy storage targets and support our transition to renewable energy that will provide stability to our energy grid regional Victoria.”
KESS is on the traditional land of the Barapa Barapa, Wamba Wamba and Yorta Yorta people, near the town of Kerang. Edify acknowledges the traditional custodians of this land, whose rich culture is deeply connected to the rivers, lagoons, creeks, and wetlands of their nation.
To read more about the Koorangie Energy Storage System head to the project page